on Friday 24 June, 2022

"Regain Yemen" to reveal for the first time how the Houthis control the telecommunications sector

by : Yemen Details

The "Regain Yemen" Organization said that it is up to issue its fifth report in a series of reports highlighting the Houthis' crimes of looting and confiscating of public and private properties.

Its new report, titled "Telecommunications as a Tool of War" included secrets and details published for the first time about the telecommunications sector controlled by the Houthi militia, the reality of the role, experts, and Iranian companies, and confidential information about the names of Iranian companies and their leaders in Yemen and the nature of the relationship with the militias.

The report will reveal the amount of revenue, and Houthi exploitation of the telecommunications sector in Yemen, and how the Houthis managed to control and illegally acquire private companies and public institutions.

The report will include a black list of the figures involved in smuggling international calls and the role of the intelligence service in espionage, controlling and making money.