on Wednesday 9 June, 2021

Yemeni forces take off Iranian-made sea mines planted by Houthis in the Red Sea (video)

Yemen Details
by : Yemen Details
The Yemeni Joint Forces said Iranian-made sea mines have been successfully removed in the red sea near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which is one of the world's crucial maritime chokepoints for both energy shipments and commercial cargo.
The military media of the Joint forces posted a video documenting the moments of taking off the network planted in the vital area of Seoul in the Hanish archipelago, near the international navigation corridor.

The Coast Guard Staff of the Joint Forces, Colonel Abdullah Fakhri, stressed that booby-trapping vital and sensitive areas in the Red Sea with this type of mine network is linked to the Iranian agenda to threaten international navigation.
The discovered mine network is planted with a well-thought-out design that is sufficient to detonate large areas in front of the movement of commercial ships. It consists of two barrels with a capacity of 200 meters installed via wires from (spot) to detonator at the bottom of the sea (16 meters) and between the two barrels there is a wire network tied 450 meters away from land.